Our vision is to glorify God through our love for Jesus as we make disciples of all nations and as we multiply new congregations that hold to the practice of the early church. Contact us for our Tucker meeting location this coming week!

  • Biblical Inerrancy
  • Smaller by Design
  • Relaxed Atmosphere
  • The Doctrines of Grace
  • New Covenant Theology
  • Family-Integrated Meetings
  • Historic Christian Orthodoxy
  • Relationships over Programs
  • Focused on Making Disciples
  • Original Early Church Practices
  • Complementarian Gender Roles
  • In-depth Dialogical Bible Teaching
  • Elder-Led Congregational Consensus
  • Lord's Supper Weekly as a Fellowship Meal

What We Support



Brothers and sisters from our church have taken part in mission trips to such places as Russia, Peru, China, Germany, England, Switzerland, India, Sri Lanka, Canada, New Zealand, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Turkey, Tajikistan, Uganda, and Siberia. Every month a large percentage of our corporate giving goes to an orphanage in India, a local full-time college campus evangelist, two church planting teams in India and a ministry team in Sri Lanka. We are also in cooperation with the Greater Atlanta Baptist Network and the Southern Baptist Convention for the furtherance of the Gospel.  Locally we are active in pro-life ministries, and campus evangelism.

